This is a big year! Our 10th year of sponsoring BME Student Design Projects.

During our 10 year anniversary, we are proud to be sponsoring 24 projects in conjunction with University of Wisconsin Madison Biomedical Engineering Department for their BME Student Design Consortium. These innovative minds are pushing the limits to what’s possible!

Here are a few projects we’re really excited about as they relate directly to the work we do at Medical Art Prosthetics.


Project Overview

The goal of this project is to design and manufacture a mechanical prosthetic finger to fit inside a realistic silicone covering. The final prototype should be an individualized finger prosthesis that is affordable, aesthetically and mechanically functional. Ideally it will restore flexion and extension movement of an amputated residual finger, while still being able to fit inside a realistic silicone sleeve. The client desires that the prototype be 3D-printable.

Team (left to right)

Karl Fetsch, Qi Cheng, Naren Chaudhry, Shannon Sullivan, John Riley

Team Roles


Project Overview

Team (left to right)

Piper Rawding, Vincent Belsito, Rodrigo Umanzor, Eduardo Enriquez, Nick Zacharias; missing: Laurie McKenna

Team Roles


Project Overview

Silicone ear prostheses are created and provided to individuals born with microtia, suffered loss of an ear due to cancer, or trauma patients who have sustained amputation of the ear. Current attachments utilize chemical bonding with a primer to attach a magnet to silicon. This can cause an early attachment failure due to minimal mechanical attachment. Patients travel a great distance for the specialized prosthetic results of Medical Art Prosthetics, so a stronger method of attachment is desired to improve retention and durability of the prosthesis. The goal is to develop multiple attachment designs, fabricate 3D models, and perform testing.

Team (left to Right)

Mitchell Glodowski, Kinzie Kujawa, Anna Samuelsohn, Cristian Naxi, Joseph Campagna

Team Roles