Scientific Outreach, Publications & Resources

Scientific Publications & Resources2024-05-24T23:56:34-05:00

Medical Art Prosthetics has been involved in advancing anaplastology as an art, as a profession and as a science. At the same time we hone our skills and shape our professional practices for the benefit of our current patients, we also cultivate opportunities that bring students, scientists, clinicians and engineers into our world of anaplastology.

Our anaplastologists have been recruited to join the clinical faculty of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center serving as volunteer faculty in the Division of Surgery, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and as adjunct teaching faculty in the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Department of Biomedical Communication.

Since 2007 we have initiated anaplastology scientific outreach programs in collaboration with The University of Wisconsin Biomedical Engineering Department’s Student Design Consortium.

The projects initiated and overseen by the clinical anaplastologist have involved physicians, researchers and engineering students.

The list of our projects:

Medical Art Prosthetics Invests in the Future of the Field

Since 2007, Anaplastologist and Prosthetist Gregory Gion, Founder of Medical Art Prosthetics, has collaborated with biomedical engineering students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, helping advance the field of medical prosthetics by solving real biomedical challenges and investing in future biomedical engineers. Medical Art Prosthetics is committed to providing ...

2024-01-04T14:41:00-06:00March 28th, 2023|

M.A.P. Helps Advance Load-Sensing Simulator for Prosthetic Fingers

According to the National Institute of Health, tens of thousands of people suffer from hand injuries that result in finger amputations each year, often leading to the need for finger prosthetics. Injuries leading to digit amputation are unfortunately common, occurring almost daily from all sorts of accidents.  Medical ...

2024-01-04T14:41:56-06:00March 1st, 2023|

BME 402 Individualized functional finger prosthesis | Spring 2018

The goal of this project is to design and manufacture a mechanical prosthetic finger to fit inside a realistic silicone covering. The final prototype should be an individualized finger prosthesis that is affordable, aesthetically and mechanically functional. Ideally it will restore flexion and extension movement of an amputated ...

2024-01-04T14:42:31-06:00May 24th, 2018|

BME 402 Engineering a composite medical prosthesis | Spring 2018

Aesthetic prostheses currently exist to help those with deformities and surgical defects live without being stared at or appearing different from others. However, esthetic prostheses are exceptionally expensive and are affected by use which causes wear and color changes. These longevity issues must be dealt with to help ...

2024-01-04T14:43:31-06:00May 24th, 2018|

BME 200/300 Prosthetic ear attachment anchor | Fall 2017

Silicone ear prostheses are created and provided to individuals born with microtia, suffered loss of an ear due to cancer, or trauma patients who have sustained amputation of the ear. Current attachments utilize chemical bonding with a primer to attach a magnet to silicon. This can cause an ...

2024-01-04T14:44:13-06:00September 22nd, 2017|

BME 200/300 Individualized Functional Finger Prosthesis – Fall 2016

For individuals that have suffered amputation of the phalanges, current variations of finger prostheses are tailored to one of three characteristics: cosmetic, mechanical, or myoelectric. While cosmetic fingers offer optimized discretion, mechanical prostheses restore active function, and myoelectric prostheses enable advanced communication between electrical signals in the arm ...

2024-01-04T14:45:41-06:00December 24th, 2016|

Featured Articles and Publications:

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