Company News

Wisconsin Facility Earns 3-Year National Accreditation – Prosthetics

We are proud to announce Our home base facility in Madison, Wisconsin for the creation of life-like facial and body prosthetics was once again awarded a 3-year national accreditation by the Board for Certification/Accreditation, International (BOC). This earned designation recognized by CMS (Medicare) confirms to the public that our practice has met strict requirements with protocols in place that prioritize patient privacy and safety. Furthermore, we have been evaluated and our practice is deemed to be ...

2024-02-26T21:06:44-06:00February 2nd, 2023|Company News|

Gion Named Director of WSOPP

NEWS! Greg Gion was re-elected as 2018 Director of the Wisconsin Society of Orthotists, Prosthetists and Pedorthists. (WSOPP) The Wisconsin Society of Orthotists, Prosthetists and Pedorthists' (WSOPP) mission is to establish a professional organization for Orthotists, Prosthetists and Pedorthists in the State of Wisconsin. Our goals are multifaceted with the primary goal to protect the health and welfare of the residents of the State of Wisconsin who have physical disabilities that require the professional services of ...

2024-02-26T21:06:44-06:00November 21st, 2017|Company News|

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