Medical Art

Prosthetic Fingertip for Viola Musician

  Iowa Woman Receives Incredibly Lifelike Silicone Prosthetic Fingertip in Madison, Wisconsin. Prosthetic fingertip wearer has renewed appearance and function holding things. Finger Amputation. We see it all the time. One moment everything is fine and the next an accident occurs that results in the loss of a fingertip. In the US there are an estimated 45,000 traumatic finger amputations each year which accounts for 90% of all amputations.  Website Inquiry. The prospective patient ...

2024-12-22T12:47:22-06:00June 24th, 2024|Medical Art, News, Patient Life|

Life After a Traumatic Injury

Many people live day to day without incident or, if something does happen, it isn’t a life-threatening event. However, there is sadly a large amount of deaths each day throughout the world. Surprisingly, these occurrences in people aged between 1 and 45 aren’t from illnesses, but from traumatic injuries such as car accidents and dangerous falls. If a person does survive such a traumatic event, they could be left with many kinds of severe and often ...

2024-02-26T21:06:44-06:00November 28th, 2018|Medical Art|

Letter of introduction to our upper extremity hand patients

In our training as medical artists we focused on prosthetic restoration of the face and also finger and partial hand restoration. Our primary purpose was to hone our skills in the creation of prostheses that looked very real; prostheses that matched the subtle characteristics of the patient’s skin tones including freckles, blood vessels, etc. as well as their skin textures including pores, wrinkles, etc. Over the course of years in private practice, the number of patients ...

2024-02-26T21:06:44-06:00November 12th, 2018|Medical Art|

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