
New Network Expansion in Tennessee

McKenzie Bergenback, MS joins MAP to open satellite location in Chattanooga, TN. Announcing a new network expansion with Medical Art Prosthetics! To all those needing specialized prosthetics who live in Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky, and North and South Carolina, you now have access to a uniquely qualified anaplastologist closer to you! McKenzie Bergenback, MS, newly established in Chattanooga, TN now offers her experience creating all types of craniofacial prosthetics and lifelike silicone restorations to clients in ...

2024-02-26T21:06:44-06:00August 29th, 2022|News|

Craniofacial Prosthesis at Northwestern University Prosthetics-Orthotics Center

Anaplastologist and Prosthetist Greg Gion, MMS, CCA, BOCP, spoke about craniofacial prostheses to the NU Prosthetics-Orthotics Student Society (NUPOSS) at NUPOC. Craniofacial prostheses play an essential role in improving the lives of persons who need facial restoration due to congenital difference, disease, burns or other traumatic injury. Gion gave a brief overview of his profession, noting that historically ocularists and denturists may be family-based enterprises that transfer their specialized skills on a one-to-one, apprenticeship basis. From ...

2024-02-26T21:06:44-06:00December 8th, 2019|News|

Choosing the Best Prosthetics Specialist

Making decisions about who to see and where to go can feel overwhelming. Patients and families may feel grief, fear, anger about their illness or the events they have experienced. Medical and surgical experiences are mentally and physically exhausting, and now you are in the unknown area of prosthetics. Remember, you are not alone. Thousands of others have made it through the trauma and uncertainty, and you will too. YOU are the one who will wear ...

2024-02-26T21:06:44-06:00April 12th, 2019|News|

Welcome Jim Hogue; Artist, Medical Artist and Anaplastologist

An important note to all referring physicians Silicone facial prostheses are attempted by various clinicians and technicians, but truly faithful anatomical renditions - the kind that make patients happy - are only possible in the hands of an artistic practitioner with a balance of the right temperament, training and natural talent. Jim Hogue has that rare blend! We are very excited that Jim has joined the regular staff of Medical Art Prosthetics, LLC based in Madison, ...

2024-02-26T21:06:44-06:00November 8th, 2017|News|

2nd Annual Orthotic and Prosthetic Innovation & Technology Symposium

Greg Gion, MMS, CCA, BOCP visits symposium in San Francisco Greg Gion, MMS, CCA, BOCP, director of Medical Art Prosthetics in Madison, WI represented the field of anaplastology as a delegate at the 2nd Annual Orthotic and Prosthetic Innovation & Technology Symposium in San Francisco, California. The meeting was held at the Milberry Union Event & Meeting Center at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center at 500 Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco, California 94143-2203 on Friday ...

2024-02-26T21:06:44-06:00November 14th, 2016|News|

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