News and Updates

News and Updates2024-02-26T21:06:45-06:00

A Lifelike Prosthetic Nose a Saving Grace for California Man

Man Receives a Prosthetic Nose. A Cathartic Experience. Thanks to ABC in San Jose, California, Medical Art Prosthetics, and the talents of anaplastologist Maddie Singer a man finally gets a beautiful prosthetic nose. Here is the great news we got from Jason Beal, the producer of the story: "Hey Greg, hope you are doing well. The story is complete and it's live on our website! It will air on our 24/7 livestream this Saturday evening, and eventually ...

February 8th, 2025|News|

Anaplastology Assists Healing 39 Years

Bringing Hope to Hundreds with Anaplastology For us, anaplastology represents a diverse and deep investment in materials, applications, experimentation, and in expanding the modes of delivery in our profession to reach more patients seeking high quality prostheses. We've treated patients from almost every state. Represented here are a few recent prostheses or treatment sessions for patients in Louisiana, Illinois, and New York. Get Great Finger Prosthetics Near or Far   Finger Prostheses Ready to Ship ...

December 22nd, 2024|News|

Wisconsin Anaplastologist Creates Prosthetic Ear in Madison

Wisconsin Man's Amputated Ear is Restored with 1st Prosthetic Ear Before and after photos of ear prosthesis results We recently had the pleasure of working with a gentleman from Southwestern Wisconsin. He was referred by a University of Wisconsin surgeon. The anaplastologists at Medical Art Prosthetics are always appreciative to be available to receive patients who have undergone ablative surgery procedures. Surgery Hurts and We Help Heal The surgery to resect skin cancers is ...

November 9th, 2024|News|

Prosthetic Fingertip for Viola Musician

  Iowa Woman Receives Incredibly Lifelike Silicone Prosthetic Fingertip in Madison, Wisconsin. Prosthetic fingertip wearer has renewed appearance and function holding things. Finger Amputation. We see it all the time. One moment everything is fine and the next an accident occurs that results in the loss of a fingertip. In the US there are an estimated 45,000 traumatic finger amputations each year which accounts for 90% of all amputations.  Website Inquiry. The prospective patient ...

June 24th, 2024|Medical Art, News, Patient Life|

Prosthetic Fingers Assist Amputee 7 Days A Week

2 Functional Prosthetic Fingers renew activities of daily living. This video demonstrates how functional prosthetic fingers work. It shows the user's very first experience putting on and trying out his new MCP Driver manufactured by Naked Prosthetics custom fit. The high-tech device featuring articulating fingers was provided by certified prosthetist Gregory Gion, CCA, BOCP. Our patient has already put his prosthesis through its paces in his work in construction and will return for final adjustments soon. ...

February 26th, 2024|News|

Ear Prosthetic Repairs Tissue Loss From Mohs Cancer Surgery

Ear Prosthetic After Mohs Surgery Skin cancer of the ear still happens. Cancer invades tissues and the Mohs surgery to remove the cancer is devastating to this person. The Mohs surgery technique is very careful and preserves as much healthy skin as possible. After the Mohs surgeon conferred with a plastic and reconstructive surgeon they referred her to us for an ear prosthetic solution. Its extremely difficult if not impossible even for the very best plastic ...

February 25th, 2024|News|

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