Iowa Woman Receives Incredibly Lifelike Silicone Prosthetic Fingertip in Madison, Wisconsin.
Finger Amputation. We see it all the time. One moment everything is fine and the next an accident occurs that results in the loss of a fingertip. In the US there are an estimated 45,000 traumatic finger amputations each year which accounts for 90% of all amputations.
Website Inquiry. The prospective patient Googles for prosthetic finger specialists and finds us. Our form allowed ger to elaborate and ask questions:
“I don’t know if I would be a good candidate because the amount of finger I have lost is minimal compared to others, but I would love to play my viola again. I have recently lost the tip of my index finger. The surgeon took 4 mm of bone to prohibit infection, and the first knuckle is still intact. I am still healing and growing skin. Surgeon said I might grow a nail”.
When we receive her inquiry about how to get a Prosthetic Fingertip:
Getting a Finger Prosthesis. After confirming the essential details, our recent client traveled and stayed near our office 3 days for her new fingertip prosthesis. It is a lifelike silicone prosthetic restoration. She really wanted us to restore the length with silicone to act as the padding needed for pressing the strings of her viola. That was her primary goal. We worked with her literally hand in hand trying on different prototypes which are all hand fabricated.
Anaplastology Practice. We have control over length, angle of flexion, and the ideal firmness of the silicone materials for her. However, she will have to be patient getting used to playing the viola again with the prosthesis and with the additional prosthesis we provided.
Finger Restoration and Renewed Appearance. After we got to know each other and she got comfortable with our focus and attention to detail she and her husband felt that it would be a good time to go ahead and have the highly detailed and lifelike restoration prosthesis as well. After traveling it made sense to accomplish the entire restoration. And now we have a precision mold for her prosthestics safely archived so we can make more duplicates in the future. That evening at the restaurant she could hold her menu and make a toast feeling more comfortable and confident too. For more examples and stories on finger prosthetics CLICK HERE.
Video of Another Finger Prosthesis Patient